Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog Post #4

Well guys, the magic is certainly starting to flow.
As you guys know, I decided to do card tricks again this week, and after starting off with a few difficulties, I managed to pull off a couple of card tricks. But this week, in my blog, I would like to focus on the premise of magic and what it takes to be a successful magician. Magic is defined as the art of illusion or the process of making something appear to be happening that actually isn't. To be successful in a magic trick, you have to trick your audience into believing that what you did and believing that the trick is somewhat impossible. If your audience has the slightest idea that you rigged something or you did something out of the ordinary, the illusion is destroyed and the audience catches on.
    I would like to share with you all the guide to magic that I have been using so far. http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Magic-Tricks This guide has given me some tips that I have been trying to in corporate into my magic tricks. I do have a few more problems to announce (Noah you will have to deal with it). The problem with the card tricks that I have been encountering is the fact that I don’t know how to do these card movements called fake cuts. They better the illusion of the trick because it makes the audience believe that you cut the cards, but you really didn’t. To pull this off, you have to have a very precise movement of your fingers, which is something that takes time to master. Because I am not able to accomplish these, my tricks don’t look as real as they should. Just this once, i’ll post one of the tricks I am trying to learn.

    Another topic that I began to explore again this week is disappearing objects. These tricks require more skill than your average card trick, but they are manageable. Like I said in my first blog, I have always wanted to be able to make a penny disappear, and pull it out from someones ear, but we will see what happens. Thanks for tuning in!

Commented on Will's, Lukas' and Jeremy's blogs.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Blog Post #3

             I have some good news to report! My first card trick, though trivial, has been mastered! I have a beginner trick down. If my audience member picks a card, I can successfully tell the person what their card is! While this doesn't seem like that great to some people, I am very proud of myself. To respond to someone that commented on my blog post last week, it's hard for me to show my resources because I don't really want people knowing how I do my magic, that would defeat the purpose of magic! I do plan to upload a video of me performing a magic trick! I would to ask all of my viewers, I hope I have a couple, what they what me to do in weeks to come! I plan on working again on card tricks again this week, as I think it is important for me to master.
       I do know what I am going to try to accomplish next week. I have a trick in mind that involves burning a card, so I don't know how practical it is, but I will practice the part that doesn't include fire. I also have one that doesn't involve flammable materials, but uses the same basic concept of using the element of surprise.
         There is one facet of magic that I will also be looking to explore, disappearing objects. Disappearing objects  is probably one of the most difficult types of magic to master, as it requires a great deal of skill. With card of coin tricks, if you mess up, you can usually fix your mistake. If you mess up a disappearing trick, the magic trick is ruined and your audience will more than likely be disappointed.
         I would like to extend a question to you guys, my followers. What exactly do you want me to perform next? Write your comments in the comment section below. I look forward to hearing your suggestions and I hope they are some good ones. Especially you Noah!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Blog Post #2

Well, I have some bad news to report this week. Unfortunately, I have not succeeded in mastering the first trick that I set out to accomplish, the disappearing penny trick. After trying and trying again, the penny just kept falling to the floor. Eventually, i "rage quit" and went off to another venture. There are currently two tricks I am trying to achieve, the penny behind the ear trick and a trick where I rub a penny into my arrm, and it dissappears

Well, I have some bad news to report this week. Unfortunately, I have not succeeded in mastering the first trick that I set out to accomplish, the disappearing penny trick. After trying and trying again, the penny just kept falling to the floor. Eventually, I "rage quit" and went off to another venture. There are currently two tricks I am trying to achieve, the penny behind the ear trick and a trick where I rub a penny into my arm, and it disappears (I will post the link if you would like to attempt the trick yourself). After failing over and over again, I have convinced myself that there is only 1 explanation, I suck at magic.

Next week, I will moving on to card tricks, where I know that I have at least a drop of skill. Many times I have been able to correctly guess someone’s card, even though everyone already knows the trick. I hope to be able to complete a trick my dad always pulls on me, a more advanced version of my petty allusion, but we’ll see what happens. I have a video lined up that I need to watch.

Back to this week. I still need to perfect my tricks and techniques, and I have to keep working! Stay tuned for more updates on my progress!


Commented on Will Franks, Noah Gilly’s and John Abrams blogs.