Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Blog Post #5

Hello fellow magicians, welcome back to my mystical and magical blog. Today I am going to talk about my attempt at a very difficult card trick that I have been trying to learn. Here is the link if you want it.

I have been working on this trick for about a week now, and I am proud to say that I can do the first part! Well, I guess i'm not very proud.... Anyways, I have watched at least 5-6 tutorials on how to do an "Elmsley Count", yet I still can't seem to do it. Just goes to show how difficult magic can be. I have watched this video over and over however, and I am still amazed at how this guy completes such difficult maneuvers. It is quite obvious that he has practiced this techniques over and over, and he is a master of card tricks. Unlike me, he actually knows what he is doing.

I really don't have too much to talk about this week. I would like to address something though. I know that a lot of you have been saying that I criticize myself too much, but I think it is time that I talk about it. I may be hard on myself, but in all honesty, I don't think that I am that great of a magician. That is just the fact.

Sorry that I don't really have much to talk about, but hopefully everyone is preparing and ready for their TED Talks! Good luck everyone!


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1 comment:

  1. Noah,
    I have followed your blog since the beginning and I have seen the up and downs of your journey. You go back and forth between success and failure and that's what life is all about. I watched that trick a few times and it looked quite difficult. Next time you do a link make it open up into a new window because I clicked on it and it deleted my comment :-( Don't sell yourself short Noah because magic is a very hard concept and you have been able to master a wee bit of it. Great job Noah!
