Thursday, April 4, 2013


I am just extremely happy that this whole presentation is over! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed performing and practicing magic, but I was soooo nervous for that presentation! Hopefully nobody noticed that my legs were shaking the entire time. I think that overall I did alright and here is the breakdown.

Visual Component: I did in fact have a PowerPoint for my presentation. I really didn't want to make it too flashy and I wanted to make sure that people were focusing on me, not my visual aid. I do think that it could have been a little bit more detailed while still not overtaking me.

Content: I hope that my lax personality gave the impression that I was passionate about magic, even though I know that I am not very good at it. I obviously showed my product with the card trick, and I explained how exactly I got there. I hope that the audience understands that my purpose was to get people to try something. Trying something has no bad consequences.

Organization: Looking back, I don't think that my hook was all it could have been. I probably could have refined it more and made it more interesting.

Delivery: I think that my delivery was the best part of my presentation. I went up without notecards and I don't remember stumbling at all. I knew exactly what I was going to say, and I said it. I did talk a little bit too fast though.

The TED Commandments
Dream Big: I really do feel like this was one of the best, if not the best talk I have ever given. I hope that the audience remembers my magic trick.

Show us the real you: I tried to talk about my failures as well as my successes, and I think that I got both points across.

Make the complex plain: Ehh, I did alright with this commandment, not as well as some of my other components.

Connect with people's emotions: I saw a couple of giggles.

Don't flaunt your ego: Don't really think that I need to talk about this. It was extremely obvious that I wasn't bragging.

No selling from the stage!: I had nothing to sell...

Feel free to comment on other speakers' talks: I asked a couple of questions, but I didn't exactly give advice or criticism.

Don't read your talk: I certainly didn't. I didn't even have notecards.

End your talk on time: My talk was right on the 4 to 5 minute mark.

Rehearse your talk: I rehearsed so much that I knew the speech from front to back.

Overall, I think that I did a decent job with my talk. I was certainly prepared and I think that for the most part it went well. I could have added a bit more substance in both my PowerPoint and speech though. I would give myself a 26/30. If you feel like I was too hard or not hard enough on myself, feel free to let me know.

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