Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog Post #4

Well guys, the magic is certainly starting to flow.
As you guys know, I decided to do card tricks again this week, and after starting off with a few difficulties, I managed to pull off a couple of card tricks. But this week, in my blog, I would like to focus on the premise of magic and what it takes to be a successful magician. Magic is defined as the art of illusion or the process of making something appear to be happening that actually isn't. To be successful in a magic trick, you have to trick your audience into believing that what you did and believing that the trick is somewhat impossible. If your audience has the slightest idea that you rigged something or you did something out of the ordinary, the illusion is destroyed and the audience catches on.
    I would like to share with you all the guide to magic that I have been using so far. http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Magic-Tricks This guide has given me some tips that I have been trying to in corporate into my magic tricks. I do have a few more problems to announce (Noah you will have to deal with it). The problem with the card tricks that I have been encountering is the fact that I don’t know how to do these card movements called fake cuts. They better the illusion of the trick because it makes the audience believe that you cut the cards, but you really didn’t. To pull this off, you have to have a very precise movement of your fingers, which is something that takes time to master. Because I am not able to accomplish these, my tricks don’t look as real as they should. Just this once, i’ll post one of the tricks I am trying to learn.

    Another topic that I began to explore again this week is disappearing objects. These tricks require more skill than your average card trick, but they are manageable. Like I said in my first blog, I have always wanted to be able to make a penny disappear, and pull it out from someones ear, but we will see what happens. Thanks for tuning in!

Commented on Will's, Lukas' and Jeremy's blogs.


  1. If you can make things disappear you will be the ultimate magician in my mind. Card tricks are some what feasible and slightly easy to figure out, but hiding things is something you can only do with finesse. Good luck

  2. Well I must say, watching that video really helped me to conceptualize how complicated magic tricks can really be. There is a lot that the person performing the trick must do in order to make the experience of the person watching it or participating in it enjoyable. As much as you have had to learn about the “during” of performing a trick, there seems to be a lot that you need to consider before you actually execute it. It is good that you have narrowed your focus to doing only a few kinds of tricks, because there are many different paths that you could take during your presentation. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing some magic.

  3. Noah, I know your working hard to master these tricks as best you can, but you don't really talk about you successes and struggles in your posts. In this one, you only write one sentence about the success you have had. I don't know if that means you haven't had much success or your just staying away from accidentally revealing your magic tricks but try to go deeper into those topics in your final posts. I've been following your blog since week 1, I think you will amaze us!

  4. Interesting stuff noah! I agree with nick on this one, disappearing "thing" tricks definitely take the magic to the next level. Just choosing what card someone is thinking about is cool, but sometimes learning the trick that your grandfather amazed you with as a kid can be the best trick, however simple it may be. Keep on learning!

  5. Noah, you picked a topic that would have probably been my second choice to try in this project. Magic is very intriguing and I like how you decide to focus on a certain category each week, such as card tricks. Although this is broad, it is a good place to start for people starting with magic. I am o master at magic, but it I do know that to be a good magician it takes many MANY hours of practice to master sleight of hand, or "disappearing object" tricks you talk about. I am really interested to actually see you perform a trick and it would be cool if you posted a video of you doing one on your blog. Best of luck to you and enjoy practicing magic.

  6. Good to see you are making progress! On another note, it might just be me, but what's up with the white on white text? Anyways, practice is key, and will eventually make perfect, as the saying goes. Keep trying, and perhaps go with a simpler illusion. Slight of hand is not something that will come overnight, but if you are determined, stick with it! Just a recommendation, it would be very cool to see some videos of you preforming your magic. Keep up the good work.
